A letter to my future daughter

Hannah Kim
2 min readDec 6, 2019

Dear sweet girl,

You have not entered this world yet, but as you are kicking and eager to get out I feel it is my duty to prepare you for what’s to come and give you some motherly advice.

When I heard that you were going to be a girl, I was very happy. I would have been happy either way, but knowing that it’s a girl put a smile to my face.

My mom always wanted a boy–it’s a traditional asian thing–but we don’t live in those times anymore. Women can be just as powerful and successful. You can be anything! You could be the next president!

You are a bundle of potential. So pure and full of possibilities ahead of you. And while we don’t know whether you’ll prefer ballet or cars or pianos, know that God has given you many gifts. It is up to you to use those gifts wisely and pursue your passions. You may be born with beauty, intelligence and wealth but if you don’t use those gifts wisely, it’ll be but a waste. Remember that what is more important than looks or money is your character and the actions that you take. You will find that more people will listen to you, agree with you, and give you second chances if you are kind to them.

I hope you will be a good christian citizen who loves to help people. Treat people the way you want to be treated and always care for others like your neighbor. You will find that you can be more successful and happy when you are surrounded by friendly flesh. So be of good service to others regardless of their age, position or whether or not they have anything to offer you.

Unfortunately, not everybody is nice. And there will be times when you’ll feel like the whole world is pulling you down, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you again.

There will be heartbreaks, and you will feel like no bandaids can fix all the pain you feel from falling in love.

Believe me, I’ve been there.

Know that dad and I are here for you, ready with chocolates, chicken noodle soup and poetry.

Yes, it’s a crazy world out there. You are probably safer in the comfort of my womb. But you’ve got to come out and face it head on. I’m so excited to meet you and witness how your story will turnout.

The world is your oyster. You can change the world for the better. You have already changed mine.

Love Always,

